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Tommy Hanusa

– Designing exciting uses for new technology while communicating in
multidisciplinary teams.
– Demonstrates strong technical ability and adaptability on professional and hobbyist
projects and shows a deep understanding of technology and game design.

Experis – Test Associate II - 2017 - Current
Currently contracted to test digital products and websites for The Pokemon Company Interantional. This work includes not only testing but also working with stake holders at and various teams at Pokemon Company Interantional. Assisting in writing automation tools and batch files for the team. This includes some web automation with Selenium/Java.

Daring Hero Games – Lead Designer - 2017-2018
Worked as a Designer for Daring Hero Games responsible for creating documentation, communicating the design to the team, and creating digital (in Unity 3d) and physical components for games. Developed exciting new use for RFID technology for the Redmond Dragon Run.

Parker Staffing - Associate Product Tester II - 2016-2017
Was contracted to Nintendo of America for Quality Assurance testing. Tested a large breadth of games from smaller hand held titles as well as high profile projects, such as the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. While the larger projects demonstrate superior time management, all projects take place in a multi-lingual environment.


Pactera - Local Relevance Judge- 2015-2016 Judged data under a variety and evolving set of criteria. Equal parts testing and technical writing/troubleshooting. Also wrote Python scripts utilizing PySide (PythonQt) and PyInstaller to make tools to analyse judgement data and utilized the Google Maps JavaScript API to reconstruct map information.

Zero Engine- Tutor - Spring 2012-2014
Wrote documentation and Python scripts to assist others in learning the engine. Earned a teacher’s assistant and tutoring position for my expertise. Worked with a variety of people and skill levels to while tutoring for the engine.


Bachelors of the Arts in Game Design 2009-2014
DigiPen Institute of Technology

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