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I'm Tommy Hanusa, a Scripter, Game Designer, experienced Quality Assurance Tester, and graduate of DigiPen Institute of Technology. Previously I worked for an after school program where I taught elementary students how to program/make games. On the side I also work various projects both personal and professional (and often in Unity 3d, But sometimes in Unreal4 or even more obscure engines).
Previously I worked as a tutor using game engines such as Unity 3d and an in-house engine known as the Zero Engine. My job was primarily to work with other students in regards to game design and scripting games in Python, C#, and sometimes Lua and AS3. I have even done automation with with Java and I am rapidly learning NWScript.
If you want to see my writings and musings, head over to my Blog.
This website holds some more permanent stuff about some projects/prototypes I have worked on. It's mostly work I did as a student, But I'm slowly getting more recent projects here too.
Oh, and if you want to find a band you haven't heard of; check out the The Back Page.
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